Joris Smid

Advisory Group

Rail and Mobility Hubs

Key expertise knowledge

Development of the public transit hubs.

Key contribution to the Linking Pin group

Standardising workflows. Expertise in creating infographics and illustrator maps, good in setting up an interactive PdF.

Which digital software do I / my AG frequently use

Illustrator; Microsfot office; Adobe Creative Suite applications; Mass Motion; BIM 360; AutoCAD.

Name of a custom developed digital tool that my AG uses

Excel and InDesign scripts were used for reporting in the projects related to the OV-fiets allocation.

The nicest project I have participated in

RHDHV helps ProRail with the development of an Amersfoort Schothorst station. In this project, RHDHV takes over the role of the stakeholder manager. RHDHV makes sure to unite different stakeholder managers and all individual projects to secure a nice public area development around the station.